£26 per couple plus admission.
Number of places available in this category: 4 couples
In this section competitors choose their own piece of music and perform their own choreography.
This category is intended as a platform to showcase any genre of dance e.g. Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop, Tap, Flamenco, Lambada, Ballroom, Latin, Lindy Hop, Tango, Salsa, African, Indian, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Rock'n'Roll etc.
Applications for inclusion in the Showcase category will be subject to scrutiny prior to being accepted. This is to maintain the quality of performance in this category
The applicant must apply and pay online for their Day Tickets and their Showcase category place prior to sending in details of their routine. Should the routine not be accepted then the entry fee(s) will be refunded by cheque.
After application for consideration in this category the applicants will be contacted by CSW who will require a video clip of the 'work in progress' of the applicant's routine along with a written description of the content of the routine and the costumes that will be worn. This video clip must be received before the deadline (please contact us about the deadline date and video format).
Once accepted, competitors will be contacted on a regular basis prior to the event to ensure that progress is being maintained and the 'Showcases' will be ready for the event.
Competition Rules
This category is open to all, amateur and professional.
Any dance style is acceptable in this category.
Each team should consist of one couple only. Couples may be single-gendered.
Each couple must dance to their own music which must be provided to the organisers no later than 16 September 2024, on a file transfer such as USB of between 3 - 5 minutes in length. (Please note that we cannot accept CDs, tapes or minidiscs).
Any performance which is either under 3 minutes or over 5 minutes will be marked down.
Judges decisions are final.
Points will be awarded for style, musical interpretation, innovative choreography, quality of dancing, synchronisation of dancers and entertainment value.
Judges will also award points for dress and presentation.
This section is open to everyone including teachers and dance professionals.
A maximum of 4 couples will be able to compete in this section.
Competitor numbers are strictly limited so places are allocated on a first come first served basis.
CSW reserves the right to change the programme and competition if necessary without consultation.
The event will be recorded by film, video and photograph; these may be used for Ceroc promotional purposes without any obligation.
The organisers accept no responsibility for loss or injury to persons or possessions in relation to this event.
There will be no refund for couples who pull out of this category either before or during the event.